Thousands of talented women now graduate from business schools and hold substantive middle-management jobs at major corporations. However, a research about the leadership of 2000 top performing companies all over the world found out that only 29 (1.5%) of those CEOs were women, an even smaller percentage than on the Fortune 500 Global list (2.6%). In the top 100 rankings you can only find one women, Meg Whitman, former CEO of eBay. (H. Ibarra et al., 2009)
Below you find a video about a U.S survey about the glass ceiling, which refers to the phenomenon that women get blocked to be promoted as a top manager. Why aren’t there more women in top management positions?
Below you find a video about a U.S survey about the glass ceiling, which refers to the phenomenon that women get blocked to be promoted as a top manager. Why aren’t there more women in top management positions?